Can cervical adhesions lead to menstruation?

The cervical adhesions can cause normal menstruation, but whether the menstrual blood can be discharged normally depends on the specific location and severity of the cervical adhesions. 1. light cervical adhesions: the menstruation will come normally, but the menstrual flow will be reduced; 2. serious cervical adhesions: the shed endometrium and menstrual blood cannot flow out of the body in time, thus accumulating in the uterine cavity. In the clinical situation, there will be no menstrual flow during the menstrual period, but there will still be normal symptoms of menstruation, and it may also cause menstrual pain. Cervical adhesions mostly occur after abortion or curettage and may cause sudden pain in the lower abdomen, usually lasting 3-7 days, and may be accompanied by a feeling of anal swelling and difficulty in defecation. If a woman has been diagnosed with cervical adhesions and has not had a period for a long time, she should consider whether the degree of cervical adhesions has worsened and go to the hospital for a timely examination and take appropriate treatment according to the specific situation. If cervical adhesions are short-lived, they can be restored with a cervical dilator. If the adhesions cannot be separated with a cervical dilator, they need to be separated surgically.

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