How many days can you take a shower after removing the stitches from your eyebrow lift

If there is no wound infection after brow lift removal, you can take a normal shower after 3~5 days. As a minimally invasive surgery, brow lift surgery can change the shape of the eyebrows, lift the eyebrows or the skin of the upper eyelid to achieve cosmetic effect, usually the incision is very small, and the scars are not obvious after the surgery. If the surgery goes well and the wound recovers well after the surgery, there is no infection and you can usually take a normal shower 3 to 5 days after the stitches are removed. When the wound heals and there is no infection, you can consider removing the stitches and wait another 3~5 days to take a shower after removing the stitches, which is usually not a problem, but you need to be careful not to rub the wound area vigorously and not to use strong irritating liquids to rinse it. If you need to carry out eyebrow lift surgery, please choose a regular organization to carry out.

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