Can you skip bronchoscopy in lobar pneumonia?

Bronchoscopy is usually not required for lobar pneumonia. Lobar pneumonia is mostly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae infection, the lesion starts from alveoli and extends to the whole or multiple lobes of the lungs with fibrinous inflammation, and the clinical manifestations are chills, high fever, chest pain, cough, coughing up rust-colored sputum, and respiratory distress. Adjunctive examinations for lobar pneumonia mainly include routine blood test, pathogenetic examination, chest X-ray or CT examination. Routine blood test helps to diagnose the presence of bacterial infection, pathogenetic examination is the main basis for pathogenetic diagnosis and an important reference for medication, and chest X-ray or CT examination helps to diagnose the imaging of lobar pneumonia and differentiate it from other lung diseases. When patients with lobar pneumonia do not have a significant effect after systemic treatment or when the presence of other diseases is considered, tracheoscopy can be used to further clarify the diagnosis. Pneumonia patients, please timely hospital consultation, under the guidance of the doctor to choose the appropriate examination, active treatment, so as to avoid delaying the condition.

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