Etiology of Diastemas (anterior commissures)

  1, baby molar has not yet erupted, not yet built up (molar occlusion), sometimes there will be this situation of ground envelope, after built up some will be normal, but parents should be alert to exclude possible causes.  2, if there is a family history, the possibility of genetic inheritance is high; or there is no geodontia in the family, but there is a tendency of concave surface shape, the overlap coverage is small (the vertical distance and horizontal distance of the upper front teeth over the lower front teeth when biting), the child may suffer from geodontia.  3, baby lying in bed with a bottle to feed or drink, nursing the child’s head position is relatively low and flat or put the child in bed, the lower jaw will be extended forward.  4.When there is tonsillitis, adenoid hypertrophy, etc. which leads to poor breathing, the jaw will stretch forward and expand the airway.  5.Bottle presses the upper front teeth.  6, Biting upper lip habit.  7.Abnormal upper lip tethering attachment.  8.Habit of extending the lower jaw forward.  9.Open mouth breathing, tongue in the lower jaw low position, not in the maxillary dental arch.  10, Combined interference or early contact, such as underwear of the papillary cusp.  11, Extra teeth in the upper anterior region, cleft palate, cleft alveolus, cryptoconjugate, cysts, trauma to upper anterior teeth, etc.  12, Insufficient development of the upper jaw bone.  13, Excessive premature loss of upper milk anterior teeth and severe alveolar bone resorption.  14.Milk tooth retention.  15.Inflammation of upper milk front teeth caries.  16.Molar teeth are missing too much, rotten root or painful caries, patient has to chew with front teeth.  17.The upper jaw is congenitally missing teeth or obstructed.  18.Licking the lower front teeth.  19.Temporomandibular joint disease.  20.Abnormal development of the lower jaw bone.

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