Does linear moss recur

Lichen planus does not usually recur, but in rare cases it may. Linear tinea versicolor occurs mostly in young children between 5 and 15 years of age, but can also be seen in infants and adults. The reason for its occurrence is not clear, but it may be related to spinal cord nerve dysfunction, and trauma and external pressure may be its triggering cause.
Rash first occurs as grayish white or normal skin-colored flat papules, the surface is glossy, occasionally accompanied by a small amount of scales, in a linear distribution, preferably in the limbs, most common in the upper limbs, but may also appear in the abdomen or trunk and other parts of the abdomen, usually occurring a few weeks to a few months after the spontaneous fading, there may be temporary hypopigmented patches, and most of the prognosis of the skin to return to normal.
Patients should avoid spicy and stimulating foods, local scratching and skin contact with irritating substances to minimize possible recurrence triggers.

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