What are the proprietary Chinese medicines for treating damp-heat in the liver meridian?

Treatment of liver meridian dampness and heat Chinese patent medicines are gentian diarrhea liver pill, Yin gardenia Huang granules and so on. Gentian diarrhea liver pill is composed of gentian, gardenia, scutellaria, psyllium, zejiao, mouton, etc. It is used for dizziness and red eyes (dizziness and red eyes), tinnitus and deafness, coercive pain and bitterness of the mouth (coercive pain and bitter mouth) caused by damp-heat of the liver and gallbladder, and it has the efficacy of diarrhea of the liver and gallbladder, and clearing of the lower jiao damp-heat (dampness and heat invading into intestines, bladder, pubic area, and the lower limbs, etc.). Adverse reactions and contraindications of gentian liver pill is not clear, when using the attention of avoiding tobacco, alcohol and spicy food; have chronic diseases under the guidance of a doctor to use the drug; pregnant women, the elderly and frail, loose stools, such as caution. Take medicine 7 days after symptom not improve, or appear other serious symptom, should stop medicine, and go to hospital for consultation. Yin gardenia Huang Granules is composed of Yin Chen, Gardenia, Scutellaria baicalensis and honeysuckle, which is mainly used for treating damp-heat jaundice, and has the effect of clearing heat and removing toxins (clearing away heat and toxicity in the body), inducing dampness and relieving yellowish color. Adverse reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting and skin rash have been reported. It is contraindicated in case of drug allergy, used with caution in case of loose stools in spleen deficiency, pregnancy and lactation, and used with caution in case of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Do not use the drug without authorization, you need to use the drug under the guidance of a doctor.

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