How to eat too much carotene skin yellowing

After eating too much carotene that leads to yellow skin, you can immediately stop eating foods containing carotene, such as carrots, oranges and tangerines, etc. The yellowing of the skin will gradually fade and can generally fade on its own within 2-3 weeks. After that, you can eat carotenoid-containing foods normally, which has no major effect on your body, but avoid overconsumption. If the yellow color of the skin does not fade for a long time, it is necessary to consider whether there are other factors that cause the yellow color of the skin, such as drug factors, bad habits, liver diseases, etc., which should be combined with specific signs and examination results to determine the cause and timely treatment. 1, drug factors: long-term use of drugs with yellow pigment, such as miparin, furan drugs, etc., can make the skin yellow, and after stopping the drug, the yellow color of the skin will gradually fade. 2, bad habits: do not pay attention to skin cleaning, the accumulation of oil, old keratin and dirt on the surface of the skin, can cause yellowing of the skin; do not pay attention to sun protection, ultraviolet radiation, etc. can cause yellowing of the skin, aging; long-term late night, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, etc., can also cause yellowing of the skin. At this time should pay attention to improve daily habits, regular cleaning of the skin, pay attention to sun protection, maintain adequate sleep and moderate exercise, the symptoms of yellowing skin will gradually ease; 3, liver disease: can lead to jaundice, which in turn makes the skin yellow, at this time should promptly go to the hospital, under the guidance of doctors for drug treatment or surgery.

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