How normal is the lining of the uterus with a Mannix IUD?

There is no fixed thickness range of the uterine lining that can be maintained after the use of the Mannitol Ring, commonly known as the Levonorgestrel IUD. Levonorgestrel IUD contains a high concentration of progesterone, which acts on the uterine lining and causes it to become thinner. After use, most women’s uterine lining will be around 3~5mm, which can lead to a decrease in the amount of menstruation or even amenorrhea, and has a certain degree of improvement for endometriosis and adenomyosis. Most women who use levonorgestrel IUD will resume normal menstrual flow after six months, at which time the thickness of the uterine lining may be slightly thicker, reaching about 8~10mm. Most women experience a change in their menstrual pattern after levonorgestrel IUD placement. Patients may have adverse reactions to the use of the levonorgestrel IUD, and should seek medical attention if any discomfort occurs, and should be reviewed regularly.

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