What to eat when your mouth is on fire

The statement “what to eat when the mouth is on fire” is inaccurate. Mouth on fire, generally belongs to the Chinese medicine “mouth sores” category, can be in the professional physician under the guidance of the diagnosis of taking cool diaphragm powder, Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang and other adjustments. The cool diaphragm powder has the efficacy of clearing the heart and diarrhea the spleen, eliminating swelling and pain (eliminating swelling and pain), and is mostly used for the heart and spleen heat type of mouth sores, which are characterized by mouth ulcers, redness and swelling around the periphery, burning pain, especially when eating or talking, thirst, insomnia and heartburn, constipation, and short and yellow urine, etc. The cool diaphragm powder has the effect of clearing the heart and diarrhea the spleen, and eliminating swelling and pain. Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, lowering the fire and converging the sores, and is mostly used for yin deficiency and fire exuberance (deficiency of yin and essence in the body, with hyperactive fire) type of aphthous ulcers, with a small number of mouth ulcers, little peripheral redness and swelling, and mild pain, but this and the other, prolonged. There is heat in the hands and feet, insomnia, dryness of the mouth and tongue and no desire to drink. The above medicines should be taken under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner, and should not be used on one’s own. If the symptoms are more obvious, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time and standardize the treatment under the guidance of a physician.

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