Glycated hemoglobin 8.3 what is the approximate blood glucose level

Glycated hemoglobin 8.3%, the average blood sugar is about 10.5mmol/L. Glycated hemoglobin reflects the average level of blood glucose in the last 2-3 months, and its normal value is 4%-6%. Glycated hemoglobin 8.3% indicates that blood glucose has increased in the last 2-3 months, and the average blood glucose is roughly around 10.5mmol/L. It can be combined with the fasting, postprandial, and random glucose measurements to clarify the specific blood glucose value. Glycated hemoglobin is an indicator for evaluating long-term glycemic control and an important basis for guiding clinical adjustment of the treatment plan, and diabetic patients should monitor their blood glucose or glycated hemoglobin on a regular basis.

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