What’s wrong with the brownish menstruation that’s been dribbling for ten days?

If your period has been dripping brown for ten days, you should consider whether it is a pre-eclampsia or ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, endocrine disorders and so on. The normal duration of a woman’s menstrual period is 2-8 days, with an average of about 3-5 days. Now the menstruation has lasted for ten days, always dripping and not clean, and is brown in color, you need to go to the hospital for examination. 1. Pregnancy. Women who are sexually active in this situation are advised to take blood tests for human chorionic gonadotropin and do ultrasound because they need to rule out preeclampsia or ectopic pregnancy. If it is a pre-eclampsia, medication should be applied to preserve the pregnancy. If it is ectopic pregnancy, it can be treated conservatively with medication and then surgically if necessary. 2. Endometrial lesions. If the endometrium is abnormally thickened in ultrasound examination, diagnostic scraping is usually recommended for pathologic examination because endometrial pathology has to be excluded. If endometrial cancer is identified, it should be treated by surgery as early as possible. 3. Endocrine disorders. If the menstrual cycle is not regular, we should consider whether there is endocrine disorder, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. It is recommended to take blood test for sex hormone 6 items 2~4 days after menstruation, and then do ultrasound examination. If polycystic ovary syndrome is identified, short-acting contraceptives can be taken to regulate, for example, you can take ethinyl estradiol cyproterone tablets.

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