Will a 6-week walk with an open total hysterectomy result in prolapsed internal organs?

Open uterine excision 6 weeks walk generally does not cause visceral prolapse, but should pay attention to not strenuous exercise. After the total abdominal hysterectomy must follow the doctor’s advice to pay attention to appropriate rest, can not be too early to carry out heavy physical labor and strenuous exercise, but also appropriate to increase the intake of protein-rich foods, such as meat, eggs, milk, poultry, etc., in order to promote the recovery of the body. Generally 6 weeks after surgery, walking and other light physical exercise will not cause visceral prolapse. About 1 month after open total hysterectomy, pelvic floor muscle training can be carried out under the guidance of the doctor, such as lifting the anus or Kegel exercises, etc., which can enhance the endurance of the pelvic floor muscles, but also to develop good defecation habits and dietary patterns, in order to change the bad habits of life, such as constipation. Prolonged constipation will increase the risk of pelvic organ prolapse by increasing abdominal pressure.

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