What should I do if my baby is always vomiting?

Baby’s vomiting is usually caused by indigestion, allergic enteritis, pyloric stenosis, etc. It can be treated by dietary adjustment, oral medication and surgery.
1. Indigestion: baby vomiting may be due to recent dietary inattention, resulting in indigestion caused by the use of bifidobacteria and other probiotics to regulate the intestinal flora, to promote digestion for treatment. At the same time, pay attention to diet, to light and easy to digest, avoid eating too much at once.
2. Allergic enteritis: baby vomiting may also be due to the baby is allergic to the body, eating allergic food may occur after the total vomiting, such as eating eggs, mango, seafood, etc., at this time it is usually recommended to use rehydration salts and other medications to prevent electrolyte disorders, and at the same time to avoid the baby contact with allergens. Serious cases can also use loratadine syrup and other anti-allergy drugs.
3. Pyloric stenosis: baby vomiting may also be caused by congenital pyloric stenosis, which is usually treated by pyloric annuloplasty.
If your baby’s vomiting symptoms are not relieved, or accompanied by other symptoms, you should go to the hospital in a timely manner, with the help of the doctor to clarify the cause of treatment. All of the above medications should be used under the guidance of a doctor and should not be used privately.

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