What to do if you have a fever of 38 degrees after a cesarean section

The common causes of postoperative fever are: 1. absorption fever, often occurs within 3 days after surgery, you can first self-physical cooling, wipe the patient’s whole body skin with warm water, especially in the axilla, groin, neck where large blood vessels are rich, usually the hospital will routinely give antibiotic treatment after cesarean delivery, most women can reduce fever, no special treatment; 2. acute mastitis, observe whether there is a rise in milk, each feeding, both sides If the body temperature is not high, physical cooling, warmth and nutrition can be taken, as well as cold and flu medications, such as Lianhua Qingfei capsule, etc.; in addition, the incision may be infected. If the symptoms persist without improvement or worsen, you should seek medical attention promptly.

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