Can low progesterone be remedied by taking progesterone capsules?

Low progesterone eating progesterone capsules can make up, follow the doctor’s instructions to use the drug, can achieve a better therapeutic effect.
Progesterone capsules belong to the progesterone class of drugs, due to the lack of progesterone caused by dysfunction, ovulation dysfunction caused by menstrual disorders, low progesterone after pregnancy caused by preeclampsia, these diseases can be used to regulate progesterone capsules.
Insufficient progesterone in the body, taking progesterone capsules first through the liver metabolism, and then into the blood circulation, to reach a certain blood concentration to regulate the body’s endocrine disorders, supplementing the lack of sex hormones.
Progesterone capsules are contraindicated in patients who are allergic to progesterone or other ingredients in this product, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, thrombophlebitis, vascular embolism, stroke, breast tumor or genital tumor.
Adverse reactions such as breakthrough bleeding, weight gain or loss, breast swelling, nausea, dizziness, headache, feeling of tiredness, fever, insomnia, melasma, chloasma, obstructive jaundice, and abnormalities in liver function may occur with the use of Progesterone Capsules.
It is recommended to take progesterone capsules under the guidance of a doctor, do not blindly use the drug yourself.

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