Baby keeps vomiting milk after drinking breastmilk, what’s wrong?

The baby always vomit milk after drinking breast milk may be generally related to physiological factors, air into the stomach, gastroesophageal reflux, pyloric hypertrophic stenosis and other disease factors.
1. Physiological factors: the child after eating milk in the corner of the mouth to flow a little milk, this is not vomiting milk, only is considered to be overflow.
2. Air into the stomach: the baby ate milk too quickly at the same time inhaled the air, the stomach pressure is too great, parents did not burp in time, resulting in vomiting milk.
3. Disease: Suffering from gastroesophageal reflux, pyloric hypertrophic stenosis and other diseases, every time after eating milk will vomit, accompanied by choking and coughing phenomenon.
The baby always vomits milk after drinking breast milk, there may be other reasons, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination, to clarify the cause of the disease, and actively treat the symptoms.

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