Can you drink soy milk with a cold and cough?

Cold and cough patients who are not allergic to soy milk can drink soy milk in moderation. During the cold period, it is advisable to choose light, easy to digest food, and eat fish, chicken, eggs, milk and other high-quality proteins, while eating fresh vegetables, fruits to supplement a variety of vitamins and minerals, to ensure that a balanced intake of various nutrients during the cold period. Avoid overeating, avoid spicy and cold food. Drinking soymilk can replenish water, while soymilk is rich in protein, calcium and other nutrients, which can provide the body with the required nutrients, and promote the recovery of patients with colds. Since the gastrointestinal digestive ability of cold patients is weak, it is recommended to drink soy milk in moderation. It should be noted that people who are allergic to beans and soy products should avoid soy milk. Cold and cough patients should pay attention to rest, do not drink alcohol, smoking, avoid cold and labor. If the symptoms of cold and cough persist or become more severe, it is necessary to go to the hospital in a timely manner and receive standardized treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

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