How many meals a day a one-year-old baby eats

  After the baby turns one year old, parents will find that the baby’s activity is getting bigger, but appetite is lower than before, and eating preferences are unstable, sometimes more and sometimes less, or one meal loves to eat a certain food, the next meal does not love to eat. So what should your baby eat and how many meals should he or she eat a day during this period?  For one-year-old babies, it is recommended to arrange 2-3 regular meals, 2-3 milk and 1-2 fruits every day until they are two years old, and gradually transition to a normal diet. Baby’s food should be made individually as much as possible, slightly finer and softer than adult food, but be careful not to be overly soft, because this is still a critical period for exercising the mouth to chew and swallow solid food, too soft and mushy food is not conducive to the development of oral function. Baby’s regular meals can be seasoned in small amounts, and snacks or supplements outside of the three meals should meet nutritional needs rather than be a means of coaxing the child into not making a fuss.  It is important to note that if a meal is placed in front of the baby, after half an hour still do not eat, then simply put it away, the next meal to the baby, do not force, and do not blame and criticize, so as not to make the baby resist or even anorexia, not to mention after the next meal before the main meal to provide snacks, snacks, which will affect the intake of the main meal, making unbalanced nutrition.

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