What to do about swollen and painful toes

Toe swelling and pain according to different causes to take different treatment methods, such as trauma to take cold relief, infection can be treated with medication, bunion can choose comfortable shoes. 1. Trauma: Trauma can cause swelling and pain in the toes, and it is important to determine whether there is a fracture or not. If there is a fracture, the fracture should be treated actively through immobilization or surgery, and if it is a simple sprain, not accompanied by ligament injuries, it can be relieved by resting in general. Sprains can be cold compresses within 72 hours of the painful parts, 72 hours after the hot compresses on the painful parts, can promote blood circulation in the muscles, relieve the soreness. 2. Infection: Infection of the nail groove or soft tissue can also cause swelling and pain in the toes, mupirocin ointment, amoxicillin and other medications can be used under the guidance of a doctor. 3. Bunion: Bunion can also cause toe swelling and pain, usually should choose to wear comfortable shoes, if the bunion is serious need for surgical treatment. If the bunion is severe, surgery is needed. Swollen toes can also be caused by other reasons. Once the swelling and pain in the toes cannot be relieved, you should go to the hospital in time to find out the cause and carry out targeted treatment.

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