Can you take ten flavors of frankincense pills with mulberry?

You can eat mulberry at room temperature during the period of taking Ten-flavored Frankincense Pill, and follow the doctor’s instructions for specific medication. Ten-flavored frankincense pill is a Chinese patent medicine with the effect of dry yellow water, the drug ingredients mainly include frankincense, chebula, cassia, hairy chebula, yellow anemone seed, wide tendon vine, bashaga, eugenol, wood incense, jagged tame paste, suitable for the limbs and joints of redness, swelling and pain and eczema treatment. The drug is contraindicated in people who are allergic to the product, and used with caution in pregnant women, diabetics and allergic individuals. Adverse effects of the drug are not clear. During the use of medication need to avoid eating spicy, cold and other stimulating food, so room temperature mulberry is edible, should avoid eating refrigerated mulberry. The use of specific drugs should be guided by a specialist physician.

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