What’s wrong with large pieces of dandruff that you can pick off?

Large pieces of dandruff can be picked off may be the physiological factors caused by unclean hygiene, may also be psoriasis, scalp seborrheic dermatitis, head simple chaffing rash and other diseases caused by. 1. Physiological factors: If the head is not usually clean, it may lead to increased oil production, making large pieces of dandruff to be picked off. 2. Psoriasis: psoriasis is a chronic scaly skin disease, which may be caused by heredity, immune abnormality and other factors, the patient’s scalp may appear thicker scales, and at the same time, large pieces of dandruff can be picked off. 3. Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp: it may be related to heredity, Malassezia infection, immune dysfunction, and neurological dysfunction, and patients may have large grayish-white dandruff, which can be easily picked off. 4. Head herpes simplex: head herpes simplex may be caused by Malassezia infection, Staphylococcus epidermidis infection, patients will appear a large number of dandruff, easy to pick off. There are more reasons why large pieces of dandruff can be picked off, so patients are advised to have an examination to find out the reasons.

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