What is herpes on the skin of the penis?

Herpes on penile skin may be caused by eczema, genital herpes and other reasons. 1. Eczema: lack of attention to penile hygiene in daily life, coupled with the influence of some intrinsic factors, may lead to localized eczema-like lesions, which manifests itself as blisters as well as pimples on the penile skin, which may be accompanied by itching at the same time. 2. genital herpes: genital herpes is a disease caused by infection with herpes simplex virus type 2, the main means of transmission for sexual contact, but also through contact with contaminated items and infected by the patient, in the clinic is mainly manifested as small blisters around the genitals, which can be accompanied by burning and pain discomfort. The herpes on the skin of the penis is recommended to the regular hospital dermatology, avoid friction or scratching.

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