What are the sequelae of a tailbone fracture

The sequelae of tailbone fracture include inability to sit for a long time, irritation of the rectum and anus, and in women, it may also affect normal labor. 1. Inability to sit for a long time: after a tailbone fracture, there is not enough time to rest, and premature weight-bearing activities will affect the healing of the fracture. Localized pain or even inability to sit for a long time may occur within a year or several years after tailbone fracture. 2. Irritation of the rectum and anus: If the tailbone fracture is serious and the bone mass irritates the rectum, it may cause anal distension and pain. 3. Affecting normal delivery: For unmarried women, tailbone fracture patients, especially those with deformed healing, may affect the natural delivery of the fetus during natural labor. After correct treatment, tailbone fracture usually has no sequelae. Only a few patients with tailbone fracture who do not seek timely medical treatment or improper treatment methods, resulting in poor alignment and line of force of the tailbone fracture, resulting in sequelae.

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