Causes of deafness and how to prevent it

  Twenty percent of young people have mild hearing loss, and the vast majority of them often listen to music with headphones.
  Sleeping with headphones is like boiling a frog in warm water, you don’t realize it at first, but it is usually more serious when you find it.
  Sudden deafness is usually treated well within a week, but if it takes more than a month, it is difficult to recover. The four hearing “killers” one by one, nervous fatigue 46 of Mr. Zhang’s career is as strong as ever, during the New Year, inevitably rubbing mahjong relaxed. This day, he suddenly felt dizzy at the mahjong table, while both ears appear machine like rumble. Mr. Zhang had no choice but to go to rest first. The next day, dizziness is better, but both ears as full of water, listening to others speak feel jarred, it is impossible to hear what is said. Under the persuasion of his family, he went to a nearby hospital to prescribe some drugs, but after two days of eating but not good, his right ear almost no sound at all.
  The examination at the hospital revealed that his eardrums were normal, and his hearing could not be detected at 2000~8000 HZ in the right ear by electrical audiometry, which is severe sensorineural deafness and moderate neural deafness in the left ear. After treatment, Mr. Zhang’s left ear returned to the normal hearing range, while the right ear improved, but 8000HZ still could not be measured hearing.
  Bouncing and noise
  Miss Li is a salesperson, often to entertain customers. One night, she took a few customers to a disco, bouncing until a little more than one in the morning before going home. However, after returning home, Miss Lee has been unable to sleep, ears have been ringing disco music, to the next day, still echoing in the ears, but not the sound of music, but the sound of rushing water. The hospital hearing center testing, she is suffering from severe noise deafness. Ms. Li immediately admitted to the hospital, a week after the basic hearing of both ears back to normal.
  Wearing headphones
  20-year-old Xiao Zeng is a medical university student in Guangzhou. Since the purchase of MP3, small had nothing to hang headphones to listen. English, music …… he wears headphones more and more time, take the bus also listen, sleep also listen. But, contrary to expectations, Xiao Zeng’s English listening is getting worse and worse.
  At first he thought it was because he was listening to too much music. However, later he spent more and more work listening to English, but the results still can not go up. Later, he went to the hospital and found that both ears had significantly reduced hearing, and at certain frequencies, he could not even measure hearing. What’s worse, because the time is too long, like his case in time treatment is difficult to restore to normal levels.
  Pot “cell phone porridge”
  With the reduction of cell phone costs, the formerly popular “phone porridge” into “cell phone porridge”, especially lovers in love, every day on the pot for an hour is very common. Professor Guo said that many people have this experience, playing cell phone time more than half an hour, will feel a side of the ear heat, and even a little pain, in fact, this is caused by cell phone radiation.
  The human inner ear is very delicate, and electromagnetic waves can degenerate the inner ear hair cells, especially in places where the signal is poor, and in order to keep talking, the cell phone will automatically increase the transmitting power, which is especially damaging to the inner ear. “Some patients have been playing with their cell phones for too long, and after hanging up, they find that their ears are like a blocked cotton, buzzing, and when they go to the hospital, they are hearing impaired.”
  Remind the family has a small child TV sound turned down children put firecrackers first do a good job of protection children’s inner ear is particularly delicate, more should be careful. Some adults encourage children to play firecrackers in order to exercise their courage, which is actually very dangerous. “Like the ‘two-kick’ firecrackers, the sound can exceed 180 decibels, and it is not uncommon to see pediatric inner ear damage due to such accidents!” Experts say that parents should teach their children to “practice their guts” while at the same time, they must teach them to do a good job of protection beforehand, such as covering their ears and so on.
  Some parents deliberately turn up the volume when playing a video or TV program to their children in order to attract their attention, which is also wrong. The correct approach is to have children at home, to turn down the volume specifically.
  Don’t wear headphones on the bus experts have done a survey, randomly find 60 18 to 20-year-old college students to do audiometric examination, found that 20% of them have appeared mild hearing loss. The survey found that the vast majority of these young people with mild hearing loss are often listening to music with headphones.
  ”It’s not that wearing headphones is necessarily bad, but it’s true that you should have a proper degree of control over the volume and time.” Like when riding the bus, it is recommended not to wear headphones, because the bus itself is already very noisy, can reach 80 decibels, at this time to hear the sound in the headphones, only constantly turn up the volume. “If the headphones plugged in the ear, generally have to reach more than 90 decibels to hear clearly, so the volume is obviously too large.”
  Today there are a variety of styles of headphones, there is a rubber-tipped earplug, can be fully stuffed into the ear, Professor Guo reminded that such headphones are most likely to damage the hearing, in addition to the volume, wearing such headphones, the inner ear becomes a closed space, isolated from the outside world, and the difference in air pressure generated by it can also damage the inner ear.
  Deafness is best treated within a week Some people think that sudden deafness occurs in middle-aged and elderly patients, and that they are still young and need not worry about it. Most young people today are under a lot of pressure from work and life, and unbeknownst to them, excessive stress and tension can actually damage their hearing. Professor Guo said that when people are stressed, they secrete a kind of catecholamine, which can lead to blood vessel spasm and cause insufficient blood supply to the inner ear, thus damaging hearing.
  In addition, sudden deafness is usually effective when treated within a week, but it is difficult to recover if it takes more than a month. “It should be reminded that less than one-third of patients with sudden deafness currently receive timely and regular treatment, some of whom delay seeking medical attention because they do not pay attention to it, and others do not seek a specialist in time, resulting in delays.”
  What is the appropriate volume for wearing headphones?
  It is recommended to be within 60 decibels. So to speak, if you wear headphones when you can still hear the next person talking, not to hinder the communication between each other, this is a suitable volume. If you can’t even hear the person next to you, then it’s more than 80 decibels. In addition, do not wear headphones to sleep. “Chronic hearing damage is a progressive damage, like boiling a frog in warm water, at first unaware, usually found by the time it is more serious, and can not be restored to normal levels.”

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