Which is better to take long term, timosartan or valsartan?

Timosartan and valsartan can be taken orally for a long period of time, it is impossible to compare which one is better, it depends on which one is more suitable for the patient. Timosartan and valsartan belong to the same class of drugs, both of them have a similar mechanism of action, can inhibit angiotensin II receptors, can reduce the generation of angiotensin in the body, play the role of dilation of peripheral blood vessels to play the effect of lowering blood pressure. Timosartan and valsartan have a good and stable antihypertensive effect, the efficacy of the two can not be directly compared, it does not matter which one is better, according to the characteristics of the patient’s condition to choose the right drug. Timosartan and valsartan can lead to dizziness, respiratory tract infections, skin rashes, elevated blood potassium and other adverse reactions, allergic to drug components, hypotension, hyperkalemia, severe renal insufficiency patients are prohibited, so the use of medication must be carried out under the guidance of a professional physician.

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