What to do about toothache in a 5 year old

Tooth pain in a five-year-old child needs to be checked for the cause of the pain, which may be pulpitis, apical periodontitis, or acute gingival papillitis. Root canal treatment or medication should be performed accordingly. 1. Pulpitis, apical periodontitis. A five-year-old child’s toothache may be due to caries, which can be treated with filling if it does not invade the nerve of the tooth. If it causes pulpitis or periapical inflammation, the tooth will have hot and cold irritating pain or occlusal pain, usually need to carry out root canal treatment to remove the infected or necrotic pulp, asymptomatic after the root canal filling resin or glass ion restoration. 2. Acute gingival papillitis. It may also be due to the gap between the teeth is too large, causing food congestion, resulting in gingival papillitis, remove the embedded food pain can be significantly reduced, the local use of iodophor disinfection, chlorhexidine gargle. Five-year-old child toothache, may also be caused by trauma, specific need to go to the hospital for examination, according to the history and X-rays to make a diagnosis. It is recommended to actively seek medical attention to clarify the cause of the disease and to carry out targeted treatment, the use of medication should be in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

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