Efficacy and effects of Spartina

Wah Hau Cao has the effect of clearing heat and removing toxins (removing heat and toxicity from the body), dispersing blood stasis and eliminating swelling, and can be used for treating sores and swelling, sore throat and jaundice. Wah Tau Cao is a kind of Chinese medicine, taste slightly bitter, cold, for the Corydalis family plant halberd-leaf Corydalis whole grass, clinically can be used for the treatment of sores and swelling, breast carbuncle, carbuncle (carbuncle occurs in the bowels of the intestinal organs, to the fever, the right abdominal pain, can be felt as a manifestation of the lump), eye swelling and pain, bruises, cuts, bleeding, and so on. Note that pregnant women should use this drug with caution. Patients should go to the hospital in time after the discomfort, under the guidance of the physician to identify the rational use of drugs, do not blindly use drugs without authorization, so as not to delay the condition or produce side effects.

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