What do people with anemia show

Typical symptoms of a person with anemia are manifested in the skin mucous membranes, nervous system, and circulatory system.
1. Skin mucosa: When a patient is anemic, the effective blood volume in the body will be redistributed. In order to ensure the blood supply of important organs such as brain, heart, kidney, lungs, liver, etc., the blood supply of relatively minor organs such as skin and mucous membranes will be reduced, which leads to pale skin and mucous membranes.
2. Nervous system: when the body is anemic, it may lead to hypoxia of brain tissue, insufficient blood volume, lowered blood pressure and so on, thus triggering the body’s nervous system symptoms. Common neurological manifestations in patients with anemia include headache, dizziness, insomnia, blurred vision, memory loss and so on.
3. Circulatory system: when the patient’s anemia type is acute hemorrhagic anemia, the body’s circulatory system reacts to hypovolemia more obviously, such as peripheral vasoconstriction, accelerated heart rate, and subjective palpitations.
When the patient has non-hemorrhagic anemia, the body’s blood volume does not decrease dramatically, and therefore the circulatory system is primarily characterized by the heart’s response to tissue ischemia, such as palpitations and increased heart rate.
When an individual suffers from anemia, he or she should go to a regular hospital and be treated under the guidance of a medical professional.

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