What to do if you have uterine fluid at 7 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound fluid in the uterine cavity at 7 weeks of pregnancy suggests that there may be a risk of preeclampsia. It is recommended to pay attention to rest, dynamic monitoring of embryonic development, if necessary, fertility preservation treatment, adjust the mentality.
It is recommended to take proper rest, avoid strenuous exercise and sexual life, can be appropriate bed rest, if bleeding, abdominal pain, go to the hospital at any time.
Dynamic monitoring of embryonic development, combined with ultrasound, progesterone and HCG indicators, comprehensive analysis and assessment. If the embryo is developing well, all indicators are growing normally. On the contrary, it suggests that the embryo is not well developed, and there is a possibility of miscarriage. If necessary, give birth control treatment, need to choose the appropriate birth control method under the guidance of the doctor, serious symptoms need to be hospitalized.
At the same time, adjust the mind, do not overstress, emotional tension will also increase the risk of miscarriage.

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