Does a man’s irregular sex life lead to obesity?

Irregular male sex life does not directly lead to obesity. The emergence of obesity, the main consideration and genetic factors, bad habits, drug factors and disease factors.
1. Genetic factors: obesity has a certain genetic predisposition, children born of obese parents, the probability of obesity is relatively large.
2. Bad habits: such as like to eat sweets, fried food, lack of exercise, stay up late and other bad habits, can lead to obesity.
3. Drug factors: long-term application of loratadine, insulin and other drugs, will affect the body’s endocrine or energy metabolism, which in turn triggers obesity.
4. Disease factors: such as hypothyroidism, insulinoma and other diseases, will lead to changes in the body’s hormone levels, and then the phenomenon of obesity.
The phenomenon of male obesity, you can seek medical treatment in time to find the cause, and follow the doctor’s instructions to take appropriate measures to improve.

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