How to fix constipation in a half year old baby fast

Half-year-old baby constipation quick solution can be used to open the laxative or soap and water enema, oral lactulose. Half-year-old baby constipation is usually caused by dietary structure is not reasonable, gastrointestinal tract dysfunction, usually recommended to adjust the dietary structure, the use of medication, etc. for treatment. Half-year-old baby constipation quick solution can be used to open the laxative or soap and water enema, soften the stool, stimulate the intestinal wall, cause defecation, or oral lactulose and other laxatives, to help relieve the symptoms. Constipation in half-year-old babies may be caused by recent dietary irrationality, such as reduced water intake, or the addition of complementary foods containing less fiber. It is usually recommended to increase the amount of water intake and add high-fiber foods to the diet. In addition, gastrointestinal dysfunction may also cause constipation in half-year-old babies, and it is usually recommended to use probiotic drugs such as bifidobacteria for treatment. If the symptoms of constipation are serious, or if the symptoms persist and do not get better, the baby should go to the hospital for treatment. All of the above medications should be used under the guidance of a doctor, avoid self-medication.

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