How long can painless abortion be done in pregnancy

Painless abortion, in general, is recommended within 40-60 days of pregnancy and can be considered. If the pregnancy is relatively short, in which case it is possible to not know where the pregnancy is, such as ectopic pregnancy is not an option for painless abortion and requires conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy or surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy. In addition, if the gestational sac is relatively small, painless abortion is prone to missed suction. If the pregnancy is longer, the risks of doing painless abortion in this case are also higher, such as poor contraction of the uterus, which can easily lead to heavy bleeding and haemorrhage. In addition, if the patient has a perforated uterus, there is a possibility that the patient may also need to be hospitalized for emergency surgery, and the larger the month, the greater the risk of the procedure. Patients who undergo painless abortion are advised to perform painless abortion within 40-60 days of pregnancy.

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