The difference between arthritis and synovitis

The difference between arthritis and synovitis is mainly manifested in the pathological causes, the degree of disease severity, clinical prognosis and other aspects. 1. Arthritis is generally due to degenerative changes in articular cartilage or caused by infection and trauma, etc., which can cause lesions of articular cartilage, resulting in the destruction of articular cartilage, exfoliation, etc. The disease is generally relatively serious. The disease is relatively serious and can cause joint stiffness and deformity. If not treated in time, it will seriously affect the patient’s daily life and the prognosis is relatively poor. 2. Synovitis is mainly caused by trauma, bone degeneration or excessive exercise and upper respiratory tract infections, etc. The main lesions occur in the synovial membrane around the joints, which can cause increased secretion and exudation of the synovial membrane, resulting in swelling caused by joint effusion, etc. The disease is usually relatively mild, and the prognosis of timely treatment is relatively good. It should be pointed out that arthritis is often accompanied by synovial lesions causing synovial inflammation, but synovitis does not necessarily cause arthritis, the former lesions generally include the latter, such as osteoarthritis and septic arthritis are accompanied by synovial inflammation. Some synovitis is more serious than arthritis, such as pigmented villous nodular synovitis, which needs to be analyzed specifically. Patients with arthritis or synovitis should seek prompt medical attention and standardized treatment under the guidance of a physician.

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