What are the Chinese medicines for tonifying the kidneys and filling up the essence?

There are many kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for tonifying the kidneys and filling up the essence (replenishing the kidney essence), commonly used ones include Six-flavored Di Huang Pills and Wu Zi Diffractive Pills. The main ingredients of Six-flavored Di Huang Pill are ripened di Huang (熟地黄) and cornelian cherry meat (酒萸肉), etc. It has the effect of nourishing yin and replenishing the kidney (nourishing yin fluid and tonifying the kidney). It is used for dizziness and tinnitus, lumbar and knee weakness (a feeling of lumbar and knee weakness), and bone vapor and tidal fever (a burst of heat, feeling that the heat is coming from inside the bone to the outside), etc. It is contraindicated in patients with cold and fever. It is contraindicated for patients with cold and fever. The main ingredients of Wu Zi Diffractive Pill include Fructus Lycii, Semen Cuscutae (fried), Fructus Fritillariae, Fructus Schisandrae (steamed), Fructus Psyllium (fried with salt), which has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and benefiting the essence (replenishing the essence of the kidneys in the body). It is used for impotence, infertility, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation and lumbago caused by deficiency of kidney essence. It is contraindicated in allergic individuals, patients with cold and fever, and patients with liver and renal insufficiency. The use of drugs should be under the guidance of a professional physician, according to clinical evidence, do not self-medication. Do not eat cold, spicy and stimulating food during the medication.

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