Efficacy and effects of moxibustion on Taibai points

Moxibustion of Taibai point can be effective in treating stomach pain, abdominal distension and other spleen and stomach disorders, as well as treating body weight joint pain. Taibai point is located on the foot Taiyin spleen meridian, is the foot Taiyin spleen meridian transmission point and the original point, is located in the metatarsal bone area, in the 1st metatarsal toe joint proximal end of the red and white flesh intersection (foot heart and foot dorsum junction position) in the depression. Moxibustion at Tai Bai point can treat stomach pain, abdominal distension, bowel sounds, diarrhea, constipation, nausea (lack of appetite, reduced food intake), nausea, vomiting, hemorrhoids, dysentery, etc. It can also be used for treating body weight knuckle pains, lower limb dyskinesia, pains, soreness and heaviness pains in the body, lumbar pains that are not able to be flexed or stretched out, and impotence. The efficacy and effects of moxibustion at Taibai points should be further consulted with a clinician and should be operated and used under the guidance of a physician.

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