It’s been five or six years since I swallowed a date. Are you okay?

Date pits swallowed stomach for five or six years without symptoms indicate that it is fine. Jujube accidentally eaten into the stomach, if there is no discomfort, the smaller ones may be digested by gastric acid, but in most cases, the nucleus of the date can not be digested by gastric acid, but with the gastrointestinal tract peristalsis, in about two or three days with the stool out of the body. Due to the sharp ends of the jujube, the swallowing process may damage the esophagus or gastric mucosa, resulting in esophageal or gastric hemorrhage, and in severe cases, blood vomiting or blood in the stool may occur. Therefore, after accidentally swallowing date kernels can be carefully observed for two to three days, if there is no abdominal pain, blood in the stool, vomiting blood and other symptoms, it means that the esophagus and gastric mucosa is not damaged. Usually the date nucleus accidentally eaten into the stomach does not matter, but if serious discomfort occurs, should promptly go to the regular hospital, under the guidance of the doctor for targeted treatment or treatment.

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