Liver MRI to confirm what

The MRI of the liver is mainly divided into two aspects, on the one hand, to see whether there is an occupying lesion in the parenchyma of the patient’s liver and the nature of the occupying lesion; on the other hand, to see whether there is an obstruction in the biliary tract, the location of the occupying lesion in the biliary tract, and the nature of the occupying lesion in the patient. Firstly, the ultrasound of the upper abdomen will indicate the possibility of occupying lesions in the liver, or dilatation of the bile ducts, and the possibility of occupying lesions in the bile ducts, or the possibility of stones. At this time, patients need to further investigate the upper abdomen with enhanced CT or MRI, through which the location, size and nature of the hypoechoic mass in the liver can generally be initially determined. If it is a hepatic hemangioma, it will not be treated if it is less than 5 centimeters, while surgery or ablation can be considered if it is larger than 5 centimeters. If it is a primary tumor in the liver, radiofrequency ablation treatment or surgical treatment should be actively considered, and systemic treatment should be done according to the condition, tumor stage, risk factors, etc. as appropriate. In addition, for obstructive disease in the bile duct, it is more likely to be caused by stones, tumors, stenosis, etc. At this time, through MRCP of bile duct nuclear magnetic water imaging, we can mostly determine whether the patient is inclined to stones or tumor disease in the bile duct. If it is a stone, the patient should be treated with ERCP; if it is an occupancy in the bile duct, duodenal papilla or pancreas, the first choice is surgical treatment, and surgery or interventional treatment should be chosen according to the location of the tumor and the specific condition.

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