White vinegar for hemorrhoids specific method

White vinegar contains acetic acid, which has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties, so it has some therapeutic effect on some types of hemorrhoids. There are two specific ways to treat hemorrhoids with white vinegar: the first one is to take white vinegar directly for external application of hemorrhoids. Before using it, you should take a sitz bath with warm water, clean the anus and apply white vinegar on the surface of hemorrhoids, applying it 3 times a day, or you can pour white vinegar on top of gauze for local wet compress of hemorrhoids. Secondly, you can use white vinegar for fumigation and sitz bath treatment, you can take a small amount of white vinegar and add warm water, the specific ratio can be about 1:50, fumigate the anus to the top of the white vinegar plus sitz bath, use 2 times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, sitz bath time is 10-15 minutes.

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