What fruits can six-month-old babies eat

Six-month-old babies can eat some common fruits, such as bananas, apples, pears, strawberries and other easy-to-digest foods and hypoallergenic fruits.
Six-month-old babies immune system is not yet mature, it is recommended to add hypoallergenic fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, strawberries and other fruits, for mango, pineapple, kiwi and other allergenic food is recommended to be added after the age of 1 year, so as not to increase the baby’s risk of developing allergic diseases.
And six months of the baby’s gastrointestinal function is not particularly perfect, the general practice is to make the fruit into fruit puree or juice to the baby to eat, more easily digestible.
Give the baby to eat fruit puree from less to more, can not feed too much at once, to prevent indigestion, the beginning can feed a spoon, two spoons, according to the baby’s digestive condition and then slowly increase, in the eating of fruit, pay attention to observe the baby has no allergy symptoms, you can give the baby three consecutive days to eat to determine that there is no allergy to continue to eat.

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