Medications and dietary regimen for living with hives

  Urticaria, commonly known as urticaria, is a common allergic skin disease that occurs and subsides rapidly with severe itching and may be accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or other systemic symptoms. It is clinically classified as acute urticaria, chronic urticaria, cold urticaria, solar urticaria, skin scarring, angioneurotic edema and papular urticaria.   Western medical treatment: mainly antihistamines, epinephrine, 6-aminoacetic acid, calcium, steroid hormones, etc., have a certain degree of efficacy, but easy to relapse after stopping the drug, relapse after the use of the efficacy is poor. Topical medications such as glyburide lotion and zinc oxide lotion are applied topically.  Chinese medicine treatment: Chinese medicine classifies urticaria into wind-cold type, wind-heat type, blood-heat type, spleen-deficiency type and kidney-yang-deficiency type, which are often treated with Jing Fang Tang, Ma Gui each half soup, Rhizoma Di Huang Tang, Ginseng Ling Bai Zhu San and Jin Kui Ren Qi Wan. However, the identification of evidence is subtle, only with solid Chinese medicine skills and clinical understanding, can be effective.  The first is to avoid seafood, spicy, wine, canned food, pickled food and cold drinks. Eat more vitamin-rich new r fruits and vegetables, more alkaline foods such as: grapes, green tea, tomatoes, sesame, S melon, carrots, bananas, apples, oranges, G beans, Italian nuts, etc.  2, environmental health: pets, pollen, dust, rubber gloves, hair dyes, fragranced soaps and detergents, chemical fiber and wool clothing, etc., for people with allergies or hives can be a bad stimulus and should be avoided. People with cold urticaria should not take cold baths and should pay attention to keeping warm in winter. The positive rate of IgE and skin test in the blood of smokers is significantly higher than that of non-smokers, who are prone to allergy.  3, drug factors: such as penicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfonamides, polymyxin and other antibiotics, anandamide, aspirin and other antipyretic and analgesic agents. When you are taking multiple drugs and suspect that hives are caused by one of them, the shortest and most effective way is to stop using them in time.  4, mood regulation: maintain a healthy state of mind and improve body resistance. The onset and aggravation of chronic urticaria is related to a person’s emotional or psychological stress. The Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of disease has a “spirit within the guard, the disease is safe from the” theory, that maintain a clear mind, can make the body qi harmonious, blood flow, positive energy, over time, urticaria will naturally disappear in the invisible.  5, restraint scratching: scratching not only can not stop the itch, but also may scratch more and more itchy, mainly because when you scratch the local itch, but let the local temperature increase, so that the blood release more histamine (allergens), but will worsen. Hot compresses or an overheated environment can also easily trigger hives.  Fourth, dietary regulation: 1, vinegar and sugar ginger soup: 30 ml of vinegar, 100 grams of brown sugar, 50 grams of ginger. Put the vinegar, brown sugar and ginger cut into julienne strips into a casserole and boil it twice, then remove the dregs. Take 1 small cup per serving with warm water, 2 or 3 times a day. Effects: Dispersing blood stasis and detoxifying. Used for rash around the body caused by allergies such as eating fish and crabs, itching.  2, rice kernel, mung bean and lotus heart soup: 100 grams of rice kernel, 100 grams of mung bean and 20 grams of lotus heart. Use a pressure cooker to make a thin porridge, two small bowls a day. Efficacy: strengthen the spleen and permeate dampness, clear the heart and relieve itching. Used for all kinds of urticaria, irritability, intense itching and late conditioning.  3, carp and tofu ginger soup: one carp, 100 grams of tofu, 6 slices of ginger. The soup should be stewed for a long time and eaten once a day. Efficacy: strengthen the spleen and dampness, diuretic and anti-itch. Mostly used for long-term conditioning of various urticaria and itching to meet proper nutritional needs.

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