Which dental department for teeth cleaning

Tooth cleaning can be done by the periodontist, who will examine the teeth accordingly. The first step is to check the bleeding gums, the amount of calculus and the depth of the periodontal pockets, and to check for subgingival calculus to determine whether there is gingivitis or periodontitis and to treat it accordingly. Scaling is done by ultrasonic vibration. Conventional scaling is done to clean the gingival calculus, while subgingival scaling is done if there is subgingival calculus. Subgingival scraping treatment is routinely performed after the removal of calculus with local medication, commonly used drugs such as minocycline hydrochloride or iodine glycerin, and it is generally recommended not to drink water or eat food for half an hour after the application of the medication, and regular cleaning is recommended, generally recommended once every six months to a year. Heavy calculus also requires gum flap under the gingival scraping treatment, and if there is gum hyperplasia or other diseases, surgical treatment is also required.

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