The difference between Yang deficiency and Yin deficiency in men

Yang deficiency mainly manifests as fear of cold, cold hands and feet, cold pain in the waist and knees, fatigue and weakness, clear and long urine, and sometimes a lot of urination. In case of kidney yang deficiency in men, it can be accompanied by symptoms such as impotence and premature ejaculation; in case of spleen yang deficiency, it can be accompanied by symptoms such as coldness in the abdomen, abdominal distension and diarrhea. Physical examination shows a pale and fat tongue, white coating, and a sunken and weak pulse. Yang deficiency occurs in the heart, spleen and kidney. The symptoms of yin deficiency are the opposite of those of yang deficiency. The first symptom is fever, which is not a fever as Western medicine calls it, but a fever within the body. For example, fever in the heart of the hands and feet, or hot flashes in the afternoon, night sweats, anxiety, insomnia and dreaminess, often accompanied by thirst and the desire to drink cool water. In case of liver and kidney yin deficiency, it is often accompanied by symptoms such as blurred eyes and tinnitus, dry mouth and bitterness. Yin deficiency is often manifested by a red tongue with little or no moss and a fine pulse. Yin deficiency is more likely to occur in the internal organs: lung, heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney. Yin deficiency and Yang deficiency are both different and related. The above is the difference between yin deficiency and yang deficiency in men, which requires a comprehensive judgment of yang deficiency and yin deficiency, and it is recommended that patients seek early medical attention for reasonable treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

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