What’s with the gurgling stomach pumping and tightening at 28 weeks pregnant?

28 weeks pregnant stomach gurgling pumping tight may be physiological contractions, may also be gastrointestinal dysfunction and other reasons, need to be specifically analyzed. 1. physiological contractions: with the progression of pregnancy, the uterus will have irregular contractions, often without pain, pregnant women can rest on the left side of the lying position, pay attention to observe whether the contractions are relieved. 2. Gastrointestinal dysfunction: As the uterus continues to grow during pregnancy, it presses on the gastrointestinal tract, leading to intestinal dysfunction and indigestion. You can change the diet structure and exercise properly to promote digestion. Pregnancy 28 weeks stomach gurgling pumping tight there may be other reasons, it is recommended to go to the hospital for relevant examinations, clear causes and then symptomatic treatment, do not unauthorized use of drugs, so as not to affect the development of the fetus.

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