What’s with the blood in the nose?

Blood in the nose may be due to nasal mucous membrane damage caused by nose picking, nose blowing, etc. It may also be due to atrophic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum and other conditions. 1. Bad habits: Usually, patients usually dig their noses more frequently or move more roughly, which often leads to nasal mucous membrane damage, which can be manifested as blood in the nose. And patients often blow their noses hard can also be induced by blood in the nose. 2. Atrophic rhinitis: usually primary atrophic rhinitis is considered to be related to nutritional conditions, living environment, occupation, endocrine disorders and other factors, while secondary atrophic rhinitis is related to infections, medical injuries, special infectious diseases and other conditions. Patients often experience dryness of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, which may be accompanied by nasal crusts, and some patients may also induce nosebleeds, which may also be manifested as blood in the nose. Some patients may also have nosebleeds, which may be characterized by blood in the nose. Patients may also suffer from nasal congestion, decreased sense of smell, dizziness and other symptoms. 3. Deviated nasal septum: It is usually considered to be related to trauma, occupying lesion, heredity and other factors. Patients often have symptoms such as nasal congestion, headache, nosebleed and so on, thus also have the phenomenon of blood inside the nose. Some patients may also have tinnitus and stuffy ears. It is recommended that patients with blood in the nose should find out the causes and take active treatment measures.

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