Is it serious if a child’s skin peels off from boiling water burns?

Small children boiling water burns peeling off the skin is relatively serious, it is recommended to promptly seek medical attention. A small child’s skin peeling off from a boiling water burn is relatively serious. Because the scalding skin skin off, may be at risk of infection. If the infection spreads throughout the body, it may also cause sepsis, often accompanied by high fever, liver enlargement, gastrointestinal discomfort, jaundice, and even complicate liver abscess, leading to infectious shock in severe cases. If a small child boiling water scald peeling symptoms are serious or has not been improved, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner to deal with, such as iodine vapour and other less irritating disinfectant disinfection, and use sterile oily dressings and so on. All medication should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

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