What if a small cockroach gets in your ear?

Small cockroaches in the ear should be treated with oil and ethanol up to 75% concentration dropped into the ear canal and soaked well, followed by active medical treatment.
Foreign bodies in the external auditory canal need to be removed in different ways depending on the nature of the foreign body. Small cockroaches belong to the movable insect foreign bodies. Since movable insect foreign bodies can crawl towards the eardrum uninterruptedly, it is necessary to use oil or ethanol or other liquids to drop into the ear to adhere the insects. Then, you should consult a doctor and have the foreign body removed by a specialist with the help of a professional instrument or flushed out with saline solution.
During this period, it is not advisable to pull out the ear by oneself, so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the ear canal or even the eardrum, and also to avoid shining light on and tapping the ear, which may cause the small cockroaches to crawl deeper into the ear canal and cause further damage.

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