Can one twin pregnancy be aborted and the other survive?

Transplantation of twin abortion one of them if it is a natural abortion, may be due to natural elimination, at this time you need to pay attention to rest, if necessary, to carry out fertility preservation treatment, if it is to carry out fetal reduction surgery, generally will not affect the other fetus. Transplantation of twin fetuses may be due to a variety of factors such as malnutrition and other factors lead to one of the fetuses aborted, at this time you should promptly consult a doctor for fertility preservation treatment, and keep in a good mood, try to bed rest, avoid exercise, pay attention to diet, etc., can ensure that the other fetus survives. If one of the fetuses is deformed, congenital anomalies and other reasons for the transplantation of twin fetuses to reduce fetal surgery, generally will not affect the other fetus, but need to carry out regular obstetric examination. Regular checkups should be performed during pregnancy and the doctor’s advice should be followed.

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