What’s going on in infants with right testicular syringomyelia?

The cause of right-sided testicular syringomyelia in infants is an imbalance between the secretion and absorption of its fluid. When the right sheath itself or the testis or epididymis is diseased, the fluid secretion and absorption are out of balance, resulting in the formation of right testicular syringomyelia in infants. Clinical manifestations include a cystic mass in the scrotum or groin, which chronically and painlessly increases in size. When there is a large amount of fluid, the scrotum will feel discomfort such as swelling and pain. Most of the congenital syringomyelia in infants can be absorbed and subside on their own, so surgery is usually not urgent. If it does not subside after the age of 2 years, surgical evaluation is recommended, and surgery is indicated if necessary. For infants with right testicular syringomyelia, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination first and take appropriate treatment measures as prescribed by the doctor.

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