What are the effects of glucose

Glucose mainly has the roles of treating hypoglycemia, providing energy for the body, and maintaining the normal physiological function of cells. 1. Treatment of hypoglycemia: Hypoglycemia is usually caused by insufficient intake of sugar or reduced production of sugar in the body, etc. Hypoglycemia patients may have manifestations such as dizziness, fatigue, hunger, stupor, and cold hands and feet. At this time, it can be treated by oral or intravenous glucose. 2. To replenish energy for the body: glucose is the main source of energy for the human body, involved in the regulation of a variety of metabolic pathways, and is an indispensable nutrient for cells to maintain normal physiological function. In stressful situations such as surgery, trauma, infection, etc., glucose rises in the blood and provides energy. Ask your doctor for more information.

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