What causes your eyes to jump all the time?

Eyes always jumping is a symptom of eyelid throbbing, which may be caused by eye diseases, neurological diseases, environmental stimulation, fatigue and other factors.
1. Eye diseases: eye inflammation, foreign body stimulation and other factors can lead to blepharospasm and symptoms of eyelid fluttering, common diseases include impaction, conjunctivitis, intraocular foreign body, keratitis and so on.
2. Neurological diseases: Tumor compression of nerve tissue, nerve inflammation, nerve paralysis and other neurological lesions can lead to uncontrolled eyelid muscles and symptoms of eyelid fluttering, common diseases include intracranial tumors, facial neuritis, facial nerve paralysis and so on.
3. Environmental stimulation: External factors such as bright light, wind, sand, smoke and other external factors stimulate the eye tissues, resulting in eye muscle tissue dysfunction, can also cause symptoms of eyelid fluttering.
4. Fatigue: lack of sleep, overuse of the eyes and other factors, can lead to eyelid tissue weakness and throbbing.
There are many reasons why your eyes keep jumping, and if you can’t get relief from resting, we recommend that you consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the cause of the problem.

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